Installation process and general settings | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Where can I get the Flash Player to see the Tutorial-Videos? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Is it possible to update the language of the gvSIG graphical user interface? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
What do the default pictograms in the toolbar mean? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Where can I download the latest version of gvSIG? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the Project Manager and where can I find it? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the different zoom options? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I save the colour settings of my layers? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
I cannot load my *.gvp-file! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data acquisition and general GIS |
Where can I find free maps to use in gvSIG? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to use Google Earth Images in gvSIG? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data preparation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Is it possible to open project files from ArcView/ArcGIS with gvSIG? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I add new files to my gvSIG-project? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Can I open Raster files in gvSIG? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I change values of the attribute table? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Is it possible to export features as a new *.shp-file? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I create polygons, polylines, points...? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data processing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is SEXTANTE? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I select/unselect specific polylines, points...? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I calculate the area/perimeter of polygons? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Is it possible to add XY-Coordinates to my point data? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mapping | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I create a map out of my "View"? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I add Northing, Scale, Legend...? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Is it possible to export maps as *.pdf? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I change map settings? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Installation process and settings | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Where can I get the Flash Player to see the Tutorial-Videos? |
You can download the latest Flash Player version for your browser from |
Is it possible to update the language of the gvSIG graphical user interface? |
The graphical user interface text-content used in gvSIG is stored in textfile-documents for each language separately. These files can be exported from gvSIG as a package (*.zip) to your desktop-folder (Window->Preferences -> General -> Language -> Update) to be edited and translated in a textfile-editor (e.g. Notepad). Edited and saved files can be re-imported into gvSIG (Window->Preferences -> General -> Language -> Install). |
What do the default pictograms in the toolbar mean? |
Where can I download the latest version of gvSIG? |
Extensions and the latest version of gvSIG are available for download on the gvSIG-Homepage. |
What is the Project Manager and where can I find it? |
After starting gvSIG, the project manager (Handbook Chapter 2, from page 14) will be displayed. This is the main administration component in gvSIG. The Project Manager allows organising and handling all project relevant data. Here, new document types (View, Table, Map) can be generated or gvSIG project files (*.gvp) or templates (*.gvt) can be loaded or saved. It is also possible to edit the properties of the gvSIG project (name or projection type). To open the Project Manager click "Show" -> "Project Manager". |
What are the different zoom options? |
The gvSIG-Toolbar offers different zoom options to choose from. To get more information about the zoom options see the Handbook Chapter 4, Page 77 or watch the Video demonstrating all necessary zoom functions. |
How do I save the colour settings of my layers? |
To save the defined colour settings of your layers, save the current gvSIG-project as a *.gvp-file (File -> Save Project). When closing the project or opening a new gvSIG-project click "Save Resources" in the reminding dialogue box. |
I cannot load my *.gvp-file! |
Hopefully, this will not happen but if so, try to restart your computer and run gvSIG again. Another quick solution to solve this problem could be the re-installation of gvSIG. The complete re-installation process will take about 15 minutes. You'll find detailed information about the uninstall process as well as the installation process in the "Installation of gvSIG"-Chapter. |
Data acquisition and general GIS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Where can I find free maps to use in gvSIG? |
Here you can find a small overview on thematic datasets that can be obtained from the internet:
How to use Google Earth Images in gvSIG? |
Open the „Google Earth“- Application. Zoom to the area of interest and click the „N“ on the right toolbar to adjust the map to north. Save the screen as *.jpg-Image by clicking File -> Save -> Save Image and define the folder to save the image to. To use the file in gvSIG you have to rectify the image to a reference cartography (e.g. satellite images) |
Data preparation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Is it possible to open project files from ArcView/ArcGIS with gvSIG? |
It is not possible to directly import project files from any proprietary software, like ArcView 3.x / 9.x from ESRI to gvSIG. Though it is possible to load shapefiles created in ArcGIS, but you will have to re-define the properties. |
How can I add new files to my gvSIG-project? |
To add vector- or raster- files to a gvSIG project click View -> Add Layer or click the "Add Layer"-Icon in the gvSIG-Toolbar. Define the file type when loading the file. |
Can I open raster files in gvSIG? |
To open raster files choose "gvSIG-Raster Driver" as "File Type" when using the "Add Layer"-Function. If the projection of the "View" is different from the raster file's projection, choose "Change the View Projection to Raster Projection" or "Reproject Raster to View Projection" and confirm by clicking "Accept". |
How can I change values of the attribute table? |
If you want to change values of the attribute table right-click on the layer-name in the "Table of Contents" and click "Start Editing". Then open the attribute table of the layer and change cell values. Save changes by closing the attribute table and right-clicking on the layer-name and "Finish Editing". |
Is it possible to export features as a new *.shp-file? |
It is possible to save selected features as a new *.shp-file which then can be loaded and edited separately. To do so, select features you want to export by using the selection tools then click Layer -> Export to -> SHP and choose the folder to save the new *.shp to. For more information see this Video. |
How can I create polygons, polylines, points...? |
If you want to create vector-features (polygons, polylines, points) start editing an existing file, or create a new *.shp-file by clicking View -> New Layer -> New SHP and choose the vector type, define fields and enter the file path to save the new layer to. Remember to set the right projection (properties of the "View"). Use the "Drawing-Tools" from the gvSIG-Toolbar. |
Data processing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is SEXTANTE? |
Sextante is a set of free geospatial analysis tools for raster and vector data in hydrological or vegetational issues, for network analysis and many more. Sextante was integrated in gvSIG since version 1.10. |
How can I select/unselect specific polylines, points...? |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
One or several elements can be selected by graphical or alphanumerical requests. The default colour for selected features is yellow. For more information see the helpful video. |
How can I calculate the area/perimeter of polygons? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
To calculate the size of a polygon (area) or the length (perimeter) you need to have the map referenced in a projected coordinate system (e.g. UTM+zone according to geographic location). |
Is it possible to add XY-Coordinates to my point data? |
Several GPS-Handhelds offer software to help you transferring data to your PC and save as *.csv-file which can be imported to gvSIG-projects. To add a *.csv-file to the gvSIG-project, open the "Project Manager" and click on "Table". |
Mapping | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I create a map out of my "View"? |
To create a map out of your "View", click Show -> Project Manager -> Map. Click "New" to create a map-file and click "Open". For more detailed information about "Map Creation" see Video or chapter 7, from page 550. |
How can I add Northing, Scale, Legend...? |
You can insert the map items by clicking Map -> Insert -> ... or use the icons from the gvSIG-Toolbar. For more detailed information about "Map Creation" see Video. |
Is it possible to export maps as *.pdf? |
The easiest way to publish a map is to export it as *.pdf. To do so, simply click the "pdf-Button" or click File -> Export to pdf and chose the folder to save the *.pdf to. |
How can I change map settings? |
By default the page size is "21cm x 29,7cm" (A4) and has a horizontal orientation with a resolution of 300dpi (normal). To change the settings click Map -> Prepare Page. You can choose from pre-defined sizes (A4 to A0) as well as customise the map size as you like. If the height of the map will exceed the width you can also change the orientation to vertical. |